BBS in a Box 5
BBS in a Box -Volume V (BBS in a Box) (April 1992).iso
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84 lines
Last Updated: 02-24-1992
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22 Saviour1+ 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 11-17-1986
DESC: New version of Saviour DA
KEY: Saviour1+ KBytes: 4096
21 SayIt.dd 3 B AMUG BBS in a Box 10-25-1987
DESC: Talking DA
KEY: SayIt.dd KBytes: 10240
20 sci.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 11-19-1989
DESC: DA with a long list of scientific conversion factors.
KEY: sci.cpt KBytes: 13312
19 Scope1.6.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 11-19-1989
DESC: Scope DA will give the mouse coordinates and magnify the area around
KEY: Scope1.6.cpt KBytes: 18432
DESC: the cursor. It has more features than most similar DAs, including
DESC: the ability to work in the background.
18 Scrap2Lib 2 B AMUG BBS in a Box 02-05-1987
DESC: Scrapbook to PictureBase DA.
KEY: Scrap2Lib KBytes: 4096
17 Scribbler.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 05-31-1988
DESC: Latest Scribbler DA...for drawing and editing paint pictures
KEY: Scribbler.cpt KBytes: 35840
16 SCSI Pins™.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 01-07-1989
DESC: SCSI Pin layout DA
KEY: SCSI Pins™.cpt KBytes: 6144
14 Set Paths 1.3.dd 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 09-30-1986
DESC: New set path version 1.3
KEY: Set Paths 1.3.dd KBytes: 15360
13 SetFile 3.3 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 09-15-1986
DESC: Set file 3.3 DA
KEY: SetFile 3.3 KBytes: 7168
12 SetMenuFlash 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 11-01-1986
DESC: Set Menu Flash DA
KEY: SetMenuFlash KBytes: 2048
11 Show Picture 2 B AMUG BBS in a Box 10-26-1986
DESC: ShowPicture DA
KEY: Show Picture KBytes: 2048
10 ShowDA™.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 10-01-1988
DESC: Demo of shareware DA to View, Clip, Print Paint Files.
KEY: ShowDA™.cpt KBytes: 16384
9 ShowDown v1.10.dd 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 06-16-1988
DESC: Showdown - BBS DA for system down
KEY: ShowDown v1.10.dd KBytes: 25600
7 SmartCal2.3.4.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 02-23-1992
DESC: SmartCal2.3.4 - The Calendar DA allows you to save messages, and the
KEY: SmartCal2.3.4.cpt KBytes: 23552
DESC: INIT reminds you of them when you start up your Macintosh or when
DESC: the date changes. Reminders may be done one of two ways: a
DESC: flashing icon telling you to look at the calendar, or an alert box
DESC: which contains the message. Smart Calendar supports yearly,
DESC: monthly, weekly, and special messages.
6 SmartMouse.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-05-1988
DESC: Shows position of pointer and windows.
KEY: SmartMouse.cpt KBytes: 5120
5 SnapJot.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-28-1990
DESC: This is a demonstration version of SnapJot 3.0 in which the size of
KEY: SnapJot.cpt KBytes: 34816
DESC: all SnapJot windows and captured images is limited. It is
DESC: otherwise fully functional. We hope that it will give you an
DESC: opportunity to become familiar with the features and convenience of
DESC: SnapJot. This demo version may be freely copied and distributed,
DESC: as long as it is not altered or sold for profit. SnapJot runs on
DESC: any Macintosh, prints on any printer, supports color and multiple
DESC: monitors, and supports 32 bit quickdraw. SnapJot captures any
DESC: screen image, including menus, dialogs, cursors, and applications
DESC: in action
4 SnapShotDA {v 1.1} 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-24-1988
DESC: Snapshot DA v1.1
KEY: SnapShotDA {v 1.1} KBytes: 18432
3 SoftDisk.dd 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 06-09-1987
DESC: Disk Partitioning DA
KEY: SoftDisk.dd KBytes: 32768
2 Sort/Tab.dd 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 11-26-1986
DESC: New Sort/Tab DA
KEY: Sort/Tab.dd KBytes: 37888
1 SoundPlay 4 B AMUG BBS in a Box 05-04-1987
DESC: SoundPlay in a DA
KEY: SoundPlay KBytes: 7168